Administration Industry Resume Templates

Commercial administration resume templates


If you want to work in the area of commercial administration, you may want to know about relevant information that helps you to have a better resume to present at the moment of the job application. Indeed, we know that you may have different roles, and your resume must reflect your ability to complete the assigned role. The size of the company is always linked to your job title; so, make sure that you have made a research about the company first before you send your resume. If you would like to know what it is needed to work in Commercial Administration, you may want to take these courses:

  • Finance.
  • Business/Management.
  • Accountancy.
  • Other courses may also be preferred, consult it with an advisor at your university or with someone else who has already worked in Commercial Administration.

Let’s talk about what you should emphasize on your resume. First of all, we recommend you to make emphasis on similar jobs that you have applied in the past. Preferably jobs that deal with business and finances. You may have a broad selection of talents, but choose the ones that are the most relevant to the job itself. Certainly, your ability to make good literary criticism isn’t essential to the knowledge of the hiring manager. If you add it to your resume, you may be wasting important information that is actually more relevant.

As someone who is working in Commercial Administration, your employer will expect you to have excellent leadership skills because you will be managing complicated tasks that is mainly related to the success of the company. It is your job to maintain a high productivity. It is your job to represent your company as one of the best within your market. It is your job to know how to apply your actual knowledge to the business itself. Employers value someone who can take practical decisions based on a serious evaluation of the situation itself. You definitely need to be a dynamic person to work in such a complicated area.

It is probably not so easy to write commercial administration business templates because after all, a commercial administrator is in charge of so many difficult and time-demanding tasks (planning, organizing, staffing, commanding, controlling, budgeting) that some people may find it difficult to place relevant information without tiring the reader.

Here are Commercial Administration resume templates you can print, download and send to somebody, please choose:

Resumes for Commercial administration


Public Bodies Administration resume templates

If you plan to work in this sector, you must know that you are actually protecting the interests of the public sector, not the private sector. You will be taking over a regulatory role, which means that you will be likely to work as an administrator or as an auditor.

Auditors, for example, work in a wide variety of public settings. They make sure that everything is in order; they verify that the companies have followed the exact rules and regulations specified by the government itself. All auditors work independently. There are various types of audits, but we will mention a couple of them.

Quality Audits

These audits basically report that everything is of high quality. They report if the companies have taken the necessary corrective measures as it was indicated to them.

Energy Audits

These audits are basically focused on energy conservation; they evaluate if the company has been able to operate efficiently by reducing the waste of resources. They are meant to contribute to the conservation of the environment itself.

Other auditors basically work in the financial aspect of the companies. There are two types of auditors:

  • External auditor, or statutory advisor,
  • And Internal Auditor.

Both of them work for different people. External auditors are independent from the company/organization that is audited, and internal auditors work independently but they are employed by the organization/company that is audited.

Now that we have talked about auditors and their different roles, we will talk a little about Public Administration in general. Its main role is to serve the government, but there are various roles that you can take once that you decide to work in Public Administration. However, we would like to indicate that you will definitely need to have a vast extensive work experience in order to apply for a job in Public Administration. There is indeed a master’s degree in Public Administration in case you are trying to expand your career. You will learn a lot about administrative law, separation of powers, public policy, policy analysis, and so on.

To have a better public administration resume, you should also consider to obtain a doctoral degree (Ph.D in Public Administration) if you have enough time to obtain a complicated degree.

Some of the best universities with a strong program in Public Administration are:

  • Syracuse University.
  • University of Georgia.
  • Indiana University
  • Harvard University
  • Indiana University- Bloomington.

If you are, for example, an auditor or an administrative assistant, you should check the list of public bodies administration resume templates that we have posted below. These resumes will help you to have an idea of what you should include in your resume. These resumes are redacted in a way that it is easy to read and detect the most relevant things.

Here are Public Bodies Administration resume templates you can print, download and send to somebody, please choose:

Resumes for Public Bodies Administration



Administrative Assistant

Secretarial Services resume templates

Reporters and the clerks belong to this field. Their roles will be described in this section. In general, both of them need to have great organization skills in order to perform well. Other than that, their skills are actually too different to establish a similarity between both of them. Let’s talk about the roles of clerks and court reporters each:

Clerks: They will need to be patient because they will be dealing with clients all time. This means that they will be greeting them, and they must be willing to answer any type of question or complaint that comes from the customers. This will leave a good impression about the company to the customers who will be glad to stay there while they are waiting for someone or something else. Of course, their work as clerks is more specific, they also schedule appointments because their employers do not have the time to arrange appointments inside and outside the company.

Clerks also attend the phone and write reports when needed. They also write dictated letters and send them to their respective receivers. They may perform some bookkeeping duties but these are often given to accountants; however, clerks can perform simple bookkeeping if it is necessary. The effectiveness of a clerk is often measured by how much time it saves to their employers/supervisors.

If you are wondering about the skills that a clerk must have, these are:

  • Strong communication skills.
  • Typing skills.
  • Good accounting skills.
  • Must be able to follow instructions clearly.
  • Courteous attitude.

Court reporters: Court reporters basically type verbatim that is said in the courts. This is why a court reporter needs to pay attention at all times. If you plan to be a court reporter, you need to excel several tests that evaluate your typing skills. These tests are simply complicated, and it takes a lot of time and effort to pass it. It is said that the percentages of court reporting students is too small because the tests are just too hard. In your resume, you should include the number of words per minute that you can type.

As a court reporter, you need to have good written and spoken skills, and pay attention to all details. You can apply to court reporting associations in order to give some value to your resume. These associations have several requirements, and it is your mission to fulfill them. These are the three court reporting associations:

  • The National Court Reporters Association- 225 words per minute
  • The National Verbatim Reporters Association- 250 words per minute
  • American Association of Electronic Reporters and Transcribers- An accurate 98% on transcriptions.

You can also apply to other certifications if you want to.

Let’s suppose that you want to be a court reporter or a clerk. You are in the right section because this is where you will find secretarial services resume templates that will help you to redact a resume correctly. Determine your objective and state it on your resume. Those who perform secretarial services are often performing several tasks at the same time.

Resumes for Secretarial Services

Court Reporter
