This category is not limited to the researcher or academician resumes. Virtually any professional who has excelled in his or her field, as evidenced by the output of professional writings or public-speaking prowess, will warrant a Resume Publications and Presentations category.
Resume Publications include books written or contributed to and articles published in newsletters, newspapers, trade journals, magazines, or the Internet. You can list a master’s or doctoral thesis here; however, if this is the sum of your publications, combine it with your Education category. Self-published booklets, pamphlets, and guides can be included.
Publications and presentations are typically impressive and should be included in your resume. Patents, pending or otherwise, should be included if research, product development, or design skills are required in your field.
If you have a generous amount of material for the Resume Publications and Presentations, you might find that using separate headings category provides a cleaner presentation of your information.
Table of Contents
How to list Publications on Resume
Traditionally, in academic circles, one never culls early listings from bibliographies; one simply adds to the list, putting new material at the top in reverse-chronological order. If you want to offer a truncated version of your CV, consider using the summary sentence at the end of the following publications list. Present journal publications on resume in the format accepted by the journal. Typically, journal format includes the following items:
- Name of author(s) (last name, plus first and middle initials; or last name, first name, and middle initial) followed by a period
- Title of article in double quotation marks followed by a period (before the closing quotation mark)
- Name of journal in italic followed by a comma
- Volume number (Arabic numeral) underlined and followed by a colon
- Page numbers followed by a comma
- Year published followed by a period
Resume Publications Examples
Schokovitz, D. W. and C. B. Noble, “The muscle biopsy: why? how? and when?” Neurology, 12:97-118, 1999.
Johns, B. W., C. B. Noble, and F. L. Gaff. “Structure and function of mitochondria from human skeletal muscle in health and disease.” International Congress of Neuro-Genetics and Neuro-Ophthalmology. I Neuropath. & Exp. Neurol., 12:174-196, 1997.
Gerald, W. G., C. B. Noble, and B. J. Krikorian. “Electron microscopic localization of phosphatase activities within striated muscle fibers.” Hospital Medicine, 19:332-349, 1996.
Fidden, S. W., C. S. Lanturn, W. G. Gerald, and C. B. Noble. “Mitochondrial myopathy.” I Neuropath. & Exp. Neural., 13:212-229, 1994.
Noble, C. B., W. G. Gerald, W. T. James, and W. M. Realton. “Myopathy with atypical mitochondria in type I skeletal muscle fibers: A histochemical and ultrastructural study.” Neurology, 15:325-347, 1992.
Co-authored more than 30 other journal articles—full bibliography available upon request.
Publications for Academic Career
For academic and medical CVs, present journal articles in reverse-chronological order. You can find style guides that advocate an alphabetical listing; however, consistency with the reverse-chronological listings of Education and Professional Experience sections within the CV make it logical to present publications in the same manner.
How to list Presentations on Resume
Include the following information when listing presentations:
- Title of presentation in quotations
- What organization it was given to (professional conference, group, meeting)
- Location (city, state)
- Date given (month and year, or year alone is sufficient)
- Summary of presentation (optional)
Johanna, a school counselor and enthusiastic advocate for children, had an extensive list of presentations that were listed in a one-page addendum to her resume. The Before and After versions are shown next; note how the Before picture presents a full page of text with no visual cues to organize content.
Resume Presentations Examples
Workshop presentation entitled “Counselor, Heal Thyself!” at the National Elementary/Middle School Guidance Conference, University of South Carolina, 2003.
Workshop presentation entitled “And Still I Rise” at the Endowment For Youth: Rising Force Workshop, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2001.
Workshop presentation entitled “Empower Yourself! Start Your Own Elementary Counseling Program” at the Indiana Association for Counseling and Development State Convention, 2000.
Workshop presentation entitled “Helping At-Risk Students Succeed by Meeting Personal-Social-Affective Needs” at the Indiana Symposium for Student Success, 1998.
Workshop presentation entitled “Making the Mark” at the African-American Student Recruitment Conference, University of Indiana, 1997.
Workshop presentation entitled “Behavioral/Affective/Academic Programs for the ‘Total-School’: The Ounce of Prevention for a Pound of Cure” at the National Elementary/Middle School Guidance Conference, Purdue University, 1997.
Round Table Discussion entitled “Meeting the Affective Needs of Inner-City Children: Models of Kindergarten-8th Grade Counseling” at the Indiana School Counselor Association State Conference, 1996.
Workshop presentation entitled “The ‘Right Stuff’ for Positive Self-Esteem in the Elementary School” at the Indiana Association for Counseling and Development State Convention, 1995.
Workshop presentation entitled “Total-School Programs for the Elementary Level” at the Indiana School Counselor Association State Conference, 1994.
Stand as a Professional Writer
You can also weave other writings into this section, such as a script for training videos, copy for advertisements or brochures, or ghost writing for speeches. When this is the case, title you’re heading “Professional Writing” rather than “Publications”.
Stand as a Presenter
Presentations should include events where you were the primary presenter or co-presenter. Include presentations made at professional conferences, business symposia, college classes, and company meetings of a district, regional, national, or international scale.
Do not include presentations on par with proposing or pitching your services to a customer for a sale. If making presentations is critical to your skill set and you want to emphasize this to the reader, group this experience with other experience in a Qualifications Summary, Professional Experience section, or Special Skills section.